How to Purchase a DigiCert KeyLocker Certificate?

What is DigiCert KeyLocker?
DigiCert KeyLocker is a cloud-based solution that creates and stores private keys for your code signing certificates that comply with FIPS 140-2 level 3. Organizations and SMEs utilize it to streamline operations and improve private keys’ availability, security, and utilization.
DigiCert KeyLocker is a must-have solution for professionals.
DigiCert® KeyLocker can only be utilized for code-signing certificates purchased through CertCentral. The following help file describes purchasing a certificate and using DigiCert® KeyLocker.
DigiCert® KeyLocker can only be utilized for code-signing certificates purchased through CertCentral. The following tutorial describes how to purchase a certificate and use DigiCert® KeyLocker.
Follow the KeyLocker Process:
Your DigiCert® KeyLocker account is automatically created to generate and store your private keypair when you request a code signing certificate in CertCentral. Check the procedure below for additional details.
Step 1: To enable KeyLocker on your CertCentral account, contact DigiCert or your code signing provider.
Step 2: Purchase a Code Signing Certificate to sign the code with CertCentral.
Step 3: Choose DigiCert® KeyLocker as your provisioning method.
Step 4: DigiCert has completed validating your code signing certificate.
Important Note: Submit your organization for pre-validation if you want to skip this step and receive your certificate more quickly.
Step 5: CertCentral asks for a DigiCert ONE account to approve certificates.
Step 6: Two emails are sent to the CertCentral approver for the organization mentioned on the certificate (who may not be the certificate requester).
- 1st Email: Greetings from DigiCert ONE. The username of the DigiCert® KeyLocker lead is contained in this email.
- 2nd Email: Reset the password for DigiCert ONE. Click this link to reset your password for the username you gave in the prior email.
Step 7: For increased security, DigiCert® KeyLocker instantaneously creates a 3072-bit secure RSA key pair and stores the private key on an HSM that complies with FIPS 140-2 level 3.
Step 8: DigiCert® KeyLocker creates a CSR using your private key.
Step 9: Uploading the CSR to CertCentral is done through DigiCert® KeyLocker.
Step 10: Your certificate is generated and associated with the key securely stored in DigiCert® KeyLocker.
Step 11: The DigiCert® KeyLocker integrates (signs in) into DigiCert ONE.
Step 12: With the DigiCert® KeyLocker signer or lead role assigned, the DigiCert lead invites additional users or service users.
Embrace the future of secure software development with DigiCert Cloud Code Signing Certificate and utilize KeyLocker to swiftly and effectively secure your digital assets.
Cloud Code Signing
Seamless Automated Code Signing Tasks without Need of Physical HSM or Token using Cloud Code Signing Certificate.
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